Frequently Asked Questions


Why does my dog have to undertake an orientation day prior to attending?

It is very important that we ensure all the dogs at Happy Tails are safe and without injury. The orientation allows us to determine if your dog is suitable for dog day care. Our qualified trainers and behaviourist’s will assess your information and decide which area your dog will be best suited to. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have.

What will my dog get up to during the day?

At Happy Tails we aim to provide the best entertainment, socialisation and rest areas for your furry friend. Our areas are set up with plenty of obstacles, sand pits, toys and of course our highly qualified staff to ensure your dog is having the time of their lives. Beds are provided for your furry friend to take a rest once they have run themselves out of energy or simple aren’t as agile as their more energetic buddies.

What happens if some of the doggies don’t get along?

Prior to attending Happy Tails each owner is asked to provide a behavioural profile of their dog to ensure no dogs with aggressive tendencies are allowed to attend Happy Tails. Dogs will be grouped accordingly on each floor by our behaviourist. If one dog seems to be distressed or not having a great time, they will be moved to a different area, if your furry friend is still not happy we will individually take are of them and the owner will be contacted to discuss the dogs needs.

What do I need to bring for my dog?

Prior to attending Happy Tails you must have completed all the necessary enrolment forms including attaching your dogs up to date vaccination record. All dogs must have this information completed prior to starting their first day. On the day of attendance, please bring your pal on a lead ready for a day of fun.

What happens if I cannot collect my dog before closing?

If you are unable to collect your dog before closing, please ensure you call us straight away and let us knowhow long you will be. There will be a $20 fee for dogs that are not picked up before 6pm.

Can I give you snacks for my dog?

As some dogs attending day care may have allergies, it is important that you do NOT bring snacks for your dog. On your questionnaire you will be asked if your dog has allergies and whether you are happy for us to give them treats throughout the day. If you answer NO to this, then your dog will be fitted with a red ribbon around their necks to alert out staff.

There is an exception for puppies who may require their lunch.

Why does my dog need to be desexed?

Yes, we require all dogs attending Happy Tails to be desexed unless they are under 6 months of age. Please provide a copy of your sterilisation certificate on enrolment.

How do you keep your space clean?

The Daycare area has medical grade lino flooring which is non-slip and non-porous. Faeces is picked up, placed in bags and frozen so there is no risk of smells. Each day we clean with a combination of disinfectant and veterinary grade cleaning products such as F10 and Trigene. We strive in being the cleanest and most environmentally friendly day care in Perth.